Nfs Support

Piler archives lots of data, thus requiring huge disk space. Sometimes it may be better to put these data on an NFS or iSCSI mount. This document describes such a configuration.

In the following example we put the store directory to an NFS mount, everything else remains on the email archiving host:

/var/piler/store ==> NFS server

Steps on the NFS server

#1 Create the piler group and user with the very same gid and uid as on the archiving host:

groupadd -g 1234 piler
useradd -g piler -u 1234 .... piler

#2 Add the following share on the NFS server (/etc/exports)


#3 Reload the exports:

exportfs -arv

#4 Create the top level store direcory on the NFS share:

mkdir /data/00
chown piler:piler /data/00

Steps on the archiving host

#5 Stop piler on the archiving host, and make sure there’s nothing in the store directory:

/etc/init.d/rc.piler stop
rm -rf /var/piler/store/*

#6 Mount the NFS share on the archiving host:

mount /var/piler/store -o soft,timeo=10,retrans=3,vers=3,proto=tcp

Or you may put it to /etc/fstab: /var/piler/store nfs soft,vers=3,timeo=10,retrans=3    0    2

#7 Finally start piler:

/etc/init.d/rc.piler start

Additional notes

It’s important to tune the timeo and retrans parameters that

timeo * retrans < mail server's timeout value

to handle the outage of the NFS server properly. retrans=3 and timeo=10 give the NFS server a ~30-35 second window until piler declares a failure, and returns a 451 error code to the mail server. So it’s important that the mail server mustn’t give up before piler has the chance to respond with a proper error code.

Also make sure to monitor the availability of the NFS share.